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Web relaunch

Viadrina Language Centre goes online with new pages - Tips for accessible web content

Screenshot vom Webauftritt des Sprachenzentrums

Fresh and clear: The German and English pages of the Viadrina Language Centre of the Viadrina have gone online with a new design.

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Web relaunch

Aiming for a fully bilingual website


Further steps were taken in the relaunch process at the start of 2025. In January, the first two levels of the new main menu item "Transfer" went online in German and English, under which the websites of the departments that build bridges between science and society can be found. As part of this, the Center for Knowledge and Technology Transfer and the Viadrina Founders Center are currently updating their websites. At the end of last year, the main menu items University and Research went online in English. The aim is to make the entire Viadrina website accessible in German and English.

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Viadrina intern is online - The new website area for employees

Viadrina intern, the new website section for Viadrina employees, has been online since 11 December 2024. It can be accessed at or on the Viadrina website via the "For employees" button at the top of the page - within the Viadrina network or from the home office via a VPN connection.

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New website area for employees goes online in December

As part of the website relaunch, the internal websites for employees have also been completely revised for several months. Viadrina intern is due to go online in December. In this new website area, employees will have a direct and organised overview and access to all relevant information, services, resources and applications that they need in their day-to-day work.

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Viadrina's new news portal goes live in December

A new news portal will go online on 2 December 2024 and bring together articles from the previous Viadrina logbook and media information from the European University. The news portal is thus a central information point for all target groups of university communication, such as students, researchers, employees, media and interested members of the public. By presenting the content in a clear and user-friendly way, it should contribute to a better visibility of the Viadrina and its profile topics.

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Status of the website relaunch in October - reminder of new conventions in the CMS

In September and October, larger areas were restructured and went online with a new design. The Faculty of Business Administration and Economics with a German and English presence, the pages of the Viadrina Center B/ORDERS IN MOTION, the Institute for Conflict Management, the Equal Opportunity Department and the main menu item Research are now live.

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Many pages have gone online in the new layout


Viadrina's web relaunch has made great progress in recent weeks. A lot of conceptual work has been done in the background: How can which content be displayed? Which target groups should be reached? What is technically possible? This structuring was either carried out by the departments together with the web relaunch team or realised in a workshop with the digital agency WimInno.

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Multilingualism, expertise

Translation with DeepL interface within the CMS now possible

CMS editors can now translate pages that are already available in the new design into one of the four languages provided - English, Polish, Ukrainian and French.

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Web relaunch

New Faculty of Law websites go online in the week commencing 15 July

The Faculty of Law's new website design has been finalised within the Faculty and will go online in calendar week 29. This marks another milestone in the relaunch of the Viadrina website.

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CMS training documents now online within the university

Most CMS editors are already familiar with the modular structure of the Viadrina websites after the training courses. The training documents for this are now available online in the internal area, organized according to topics that one or the other might want to brush up on.

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Translation of websites: DeepL interface is implemented and being tested

The DeepL interface for the Viadrina CMS announced in February has been implemented for a few weeks now and is currently being tested by the web relaunch team. After a test phase, it will be possible to translate Viadrina websites (content) into other languages using an interface to DeepL from July, as soon as the icon with the DeepL logo appears in the toolbar.

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Web relaunch

New Kuwi Faculty website goes online on May 15

The websites of the Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences with their new design have been completed and will go online on Wednesday, May 15.

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Implementation of multilingualism on the Viadrina websites

For the implementation of multilingualism on the Viadrina website, an interface to the translation AI DeepL will be programmed in the near future.

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Old main menu item "Structure" is replaced

Not only the appearance, but also the structure, layout and content of the new Viadrina website will change with the web relaunch.

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Training for the new modular design of the website

Further CMS training courses for the new modular design of the new Viadrina website will be offered in February and March.

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Dealing with "old" websites in the transition phase

More and more web pages have been transferred to the new, responsive layout. The relaunch team is working in the background to restructure the remaining main menu items and create them in the new design.

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