New website area for employees goes online in December

As part of the website relaunch, the internal websites for employees have also been completely revised for several months. Viadrina intern is due to go online in December. In this new website area, employees will have a direct and organised overview and access to all relevant information, services, resources and applications that they need in their day-to-day work.

The heart of the Viadrina internal website area is a service catalogue that offers filterable access to all internal services and offers of the administration as well as the units supporting teaching and research according to topics and areas. In future, all offers, forms and applications from the HR, finance and research administration, as well as IT support, can be found here.

In addition, the website bundles the most important internal news and dates as well as quick links to the applications and tools required on a daily basis, such as OWA, time recording, CMS or Moodle.

Viadrina intern will replace the previous website for employees, the administration manual and the websites of Departments II to IV. On the day of the changeover, all employees will receive an email with the relevant information for the changeover.

Ulrike Polley

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