Build a website

1. design a website concept

Before you can page construction, it is essential to plan which topics will be featured on the website. Whether you represent a chair, institute, degree course, or department, it's beneficial to review existing templates and best practice examples beforehand, refer to them if necessary and fill them in. Referencing these resources can guide your design choices and ensure consistency. If you want to create a free page, please first create a concept based on the module overview according to page type (start page, distribution page, standard website or one-pager).

 Write your content and ensure that you have sufficient image material, all contact information, team publications and access to existing image resources and info boxes (more on this here: Excursus: Images and videos). Infer the form from the content and follow a flat navigation hierarchy. Keep in mind that websites are increasingly being viewed on mobile devices. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Which topics do I want to cover? And what content needs to be created for this?
  • How can I present these topics simply, with as flat a hierarchy as possible and as few subpages as possible?
  • Which modules can be used to illustrate the content and are they available for my desired page type?

2. select template

The storage location of your page in the structure tree of the editorial system is predefined. If you do not know where to find your page, please contact the Webrelaunch team. Now decide on a template.

The specific details of the templates and the most important information about their features can be found here:

Start page (language version, modular)

Distribution page (modular)

Standard website (modular)

One-pager website (modular)

News folder/blog

Team and person pages

Click on the folder icon „New folder“ in the CMS toolbar, select the desired template and assign a name using lowercase letters. Name the page folder in such a way that other editors of the CMS will be able to understand it (no abbreviations).

The system requires further information in the properties area, namely a page title, an SEO meta description, which describes the content of the page and a folder „Modules“, in which all modules that you want to install on your page are stored. Pay attention to the accessibility in the page title: enter it in such a way that it can also be understood when the page is viewed.

3. create modules and fill them with elements

Start, distribution and detail pages require filling with modules. The modules and their elements determine the content on the pages.

Therefore, in the next step, create a „folder for modules“ „using the „New folder“ folder icon in the toolbar. The name of the module folder is always _module-xyz („underscore-module-name“). Please only use lower case letters for this. The underscore is mandatory (otherwise there will be an error message and the release will be denied) and indicates a storage/functional folder that is not displayed directly on the website, but only fulfills a storage function.

Example: "Distribution page" template ⇒ folder for modules ⇒ modules (⇒ elements)

The content of the website determines the selection of modules to a certain extent. The guideline for distribution pages is to first create a header image and then teaser tiles. The module overview by page type as well as the sample templates and best practice examples serve as a guide. Stay on your _module-xyz folder and click on the folder icon in the toolbar. If you select and click on the (empty!) search field of the magnifying glass, you will get a list of all modules.

Important: Pay attention to the bracket after the module. It indicates the page type for which the module can be used, such as HP/V for start and distribution pages and D for detail pages. Make your selection and give the module a name.

To make the order and selection of the modules and their individual elements recognizable and easier to find later on the page, it is a good idea to name the modules and elements according to their function and in the appropriate order, such as 01-header, 02-teaser-current, 03-dates, 04-logoslider and others. The elements within a module are also sorted from top to bottom and accordingly from left to right based on the (file) name (alphabetically).

For each module, fill in the content fields and/or add further content elements, for example the „accordion-item“ element in the „Accordion“ module. Other elements from other modules are „links", „text“,  „quote“, „video“ and „image“. You can customize the various fields in the CMS column view at any time via the properties area on the right and change the module template or the content of the elements via Edit all. The detailed descriptions and properties of the modules and the assigned elements can be found on the MODULES page.

Click on the _module-xyz folder and view the result of your modules via the camera icon. The module names will still appear, which will no longer be the case after insertion into the page.

Ask yourself:

  • Are all relevant topics teasered? Is the selection of modules for this correct?
  • Do I like the presentation of the modules (number of columns, color, spacing)?
  • Which content elements are still missing, for example texts, images, quotes, videos, info boxes?
  • Which other subpages need to be created and which links need to be added?

The header/slider provides a first impression of the displayed page and should visually invite you to scroll further.

The teaser tiles are particularly suitable for news and updates and as a structuring element for important units, such as research or teaching with their respective sub-items, such as research profile, publications and others. The dates module is already explained in the title.

The drop-down module can offer topic-based links to further information, such as a service catalog for students with examination dates, deadlines for final theses and seminars.

The modules Topic Large, Topics and the Mix module can be used in different ways to showcase a topic that is to be highlighted. An image gallery can be used to convey special visual impressions of events and topics.

Large amounts of text can be hidden in the accordion „hidden“ and still be positioned well in small boxes on the page. The tab module is suitable for describing processes. Modules such as the tab module, the logo slider, the image gallery and the accordion should generally only be used once on a page.

The Glossary, Filter small and large; with teaser tiles and Accordion modules are used very rarely. All these modules help to structure large subject areas with many sub-items, such as the Viadrina's range of courses.


To save creating individual text modules, it is possible to use the fields „Text above“ and „Text below“, for example in the Accordion module.

All modules have specific setting options that can also be adjusted later via the properties. This facilitates the post-processing of the first draft and can be helpful later when changing the content.

Number of columns

For most modules, you can choose between two to four columns. The content, i.e. the number of elements you want to have in the module, should determine the number of columns you select.


In most cases, different variants are available in the Viadrina corporate design of a module.

The variants are white, gray, blue with or without an image, with a lot or little text, with or without a background and with or without a frame.

Linking the target page

For many modules, an underlying detail page is linked. If you have already created all pages, add the link directly, otherwise continue creating modules for the time being and link them later.


You can adjust the spacing below a module to your liking to normal, small, no spacing or dividing line.

Highlight alignment, hide title and validity

In some modules, such as the teaser tiles, the tiles may have different heights next to each other. You can achieve a uniform height by selecting „Aligned“ > „yes“.

In the detail view, the title of a module can be set to „Title for screen readers only“ and is therefore no longer visible on the page.

„Valid until“ should not be used, because caution: This can cause the layout to slip, as suddenly not all columns, for example in the News view, are filled out. This applies in particular to the sub-elements of the Teaser Tile module:


4. install modules

This step is about placing the modules from your module folder on your page. If you omit this step, the page will remain empty. Once you have created all the modules, you can add the modules in the properties area at the website level via Modules: Edit link list to add, sort, and delete the modules in the order in which they are to be displayed on the website. The practical thing about this is that you do not have to use or display all the modules you have created immediately. If you delete a module from this list, it will still remain in the module folder for later use, but will not be visible online.

1st step

On the page level, click "Module: *" on the page level


2nd step

Select, add, sort, or delete the modules from the corresponding module folder.


5. add function and storage folders and subpages

When creating the modules, you will notice that you need to access images, videos, documents, info boxes and create additional subpages. Other function and storage folders in addition to the folder for modules are the folder for info boxes and the hidden folder.

Basically, a hidden folder can be created for all content that should not appear directly on the page, for example for image and document storage. A special form is the folder for info boxes. To create it, click on the folder icon in the menu bar and select „Hidden folder“. This is also a function/storage folder, which is indicated by an underscore, see: _images and _documents.

Another function/storage folder is the „folder for infoboxes (_infobox)“, which is also created like the module folder and hidden folder for images and documents. This folder is necessary if, for example, you are working with standard (modular) web pages that contain an info column. In the info column on the right, you can create an info box: Contact and an info box: Links in different variants with and without background. The info boxes can also be reused on other pages by linking or copying them. They depict the most important contacts on the page, such as secretariats at universities or advice centers at faculties. Info boxes with central addresses can also be used from the central repository, which are stored in the mirror file „resources-new“ at the respective faculty or superordinate homepage.

So that all created modules of the distribution page link to a target page (link to target page), additional pages can now be created using the folder icon. These can include further distribution and detail pages, a news folder/blog or person templates (PV), which are created directly below the main page next to the function/folders. With the exception of the blog and person templates, all page types require a folder for modules or modules from other page folders of the same website type that can be linked.

6. integrate images and videos

Before you upload a file, whether photo, video or other, to the CMS and publish it: Check beforehand whether you are allowed to use it. Copyright is of great importance, especially for public institutions. A passport photo, for example, is not always free to use, even if you are in it yourself and have paid for it. The photo studio may still own the rights to further use and publication. If in doubt: obtain written consent. Read more about copyright under "Editorial know-how".

Integrate photos

Photos are uploaded via the "Import file" icon in the toolbar at the top left. The uploaded images must correspond to the sizes of the respective module, otherwise you will receive an error message:


&overview of the image sizes and conventions in the PDF.



Images should preferably be saved as jpeg, only in exceptional cases as png (logo files). The file names briefly describe the image and consist of lower case letters, numbers and hyphens. Please do not use any special characters, spaces or underscores in the file name.

For the sake of accessibility, the titles of the image should describe what can be seen in the image, for example: „View of the Auditorium Maximum in spring“. Please note that the source/copyright notice is a mandatory field. It is important that this is verified by you (obtain written permission if necessary). If you do not wish to use individual image materials, you have a mirror of the folder „recources-new“ via your respective path. There you will find an image database maintained by the Department of Communication, sorted by topic and size. You can link the images from the database to the places you wish.

If direct storage of the image is required, copy the image into the module. You should not upload icon images yourself, but use them from the central repository if possible. If several photos are stored in a module, only one will be used. The image which is either actively linked or which is in the first position under the module is displayed (sort the images by file name). Several images or other data sets should be stored in a function folder at the level of the module folder of the page. The template is called "Hidden folder" and is named according to the convention "_images" or similar.

Embedding videos

Videos are not stored in the CMS, but in the media portal and are only stored as *.mp4 links in the CMS. Get access to the media portal via the IKMZ ( and follow the instructions on how to upload a video file there. The file will be stored there: You can then insert the direct link that you receive after the upload into the video element.


The embedding of other links via platforms such as Vimeo or YouTube is not supported by the module for privacy reasons.

Exceptions are animations for the slider (maximum 6 seconds and up to 5MB) and fixed components of websites with strategic importance, such as testimonials for student acquisition. If you have any questions, please write to


Embedding audio files

The procedure is similar to that for videos. The audio file must be uploaded to the media portal and can then be used in the CMS as an ‘Audio’ element in the modules "Mix" (distribution pages) or "Freier Inhalt" (detail pages) modules.

7. before going live: tick off the checklist!

Checklist for going live with newly built websites

The following list is used to check the modular design of websites before they go live. It ensures that both the front end and the back end of the websites meet the required standards.

Frontend (page view for desktop and mobile devices):

☐ The content structure of the page structure and layout are user-friendly and the modules are used correctly on the page types; any template has been adhered to as far as possible.

☐ All links are correct (no dead links).

☐ Image sizes and resolution comply with the module requirements.

☐ Spelling and grammar are correct.

☐ Names and addresses are correct and complete (if you give a room number, you also need an address; if you give an extension, you should also give the numbers before it, etc.)

☐ The images match the content, no text-image scissors.


Backend (page structure in the CMS):

☐ SEO meta description correctly filled out on the pages and in documents.

☐ The object names of the pages and images are correct (lower case only, hyphen, no special characters).

☐ All mandatory fields have been completed.

☐ File names are barrier-free (short description of the object for people with disabilities).

☐ Names and titles of the images are correct.


Please check for path changes:

☐ Have the redirects been set up by the IKMZ? Also for all language areas?

☐ Is there a short link for the old page that needs to be adjusted?

☐ After going live: Pull back old pages, delete them or archive them in a repository via the IKMZ.

8. release page and publish online

Once you are happy with your page, you can release the entire page or parts of the page - either all elements, modules and pages individually via the list view or completely from the top level down via the subtree wizard. To do this, go to „Extras“ and carry out the process for the entire website tree.