Web relaunch

Viadrina Language Centre goes online with new pages - Tips for accessible web content

Screenshot vom Webauftritt des Sprachenzentrums

Fresh and clear: The German and English pages of the Viadrina Language Centre of the Viadrina have gone online with a new design.

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Web relaunch

Aiming for a fully bilingual website


Further steps were taken in the relaunch process at the start of 2025. In January, the first two levels of the new main menu item "Transfer" went online in German and English, under which the websites of the departments that build bridges between science and society can be found. As part of this, the Center for Knowledge and Technology Transfer and the Viadrina Founders Center are currently updating their websites. At the end of last year, the main menu items University and Research went online in English. The aim is to make the entire Viadrina website accessible in German and English.

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