Sample news title: Students for Climate Justice receive funding award

Frankfurt (Oder), 

Sample news teaser text (short & crisp): The student initiative Students for Climate Justice has been raising awareness of climate and sustainability issues in the city and at the Viadrina since 2021. On May 16, 2024, they were honored with the 23rd Viadrina Prize.

Sample news with a "text above": Two of the people involved talk about their motivation in this article.

The group's activities include organizing climate strikes – they have already successfully called for demonstrations in Frankfurt (Oder) five times together with regional groups. At the Viadrina, the initiative organizes clothing swap weeks and has launched a recipe competition with the student union, which has resulted in a wider range of vegan dishes in the canteen in the long term. The #WIRFAHRENZUSAMMEN campaign for better working conditions for employees was organized in close cooperation with local stakeholders and a writing competition on Oder pollution was held at the SORRY artwork. „We are particularly proud that we have organized so many different actions in the last two years and have come into contact with many great people in the city and at the university“, says Lisa Ramroth.

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For the Social and Cultural Studies student, who is also politically active in various places in the city, sustainability and climate protection are above all social issues. He is concerned about who will bear the costs of climate change and the necessary transformation. For these reasons, the group deliberately decided against the name "Students for Future" when it was founded. „Climate change is happening and it has a lot to do with injustice. It deepens social and economic divides“, says Lisa Ramroth. Climate justice is therefore at the heart of her commitment, not only in name but also in content.

With regard to Viadrina, Lisa Ramroth and Tim Berthold expect even more commitment to climate justice.

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