Frequently asked questions about the web relaunch and modular website construction

FAQ on construction

Solution: Copying suitable page templates

Pages that match your own website concept at the „destination“ and that you want to use as a basis can be copied – including the elements and subpages. Procedure: „Edit“ >> „Copy“tree“ and „paste“ in the appropriate place. For example, if you are mapping a new event on a page for which another event page serves as a best practice example, such as Graduation Day, a copy of this can be created and the content adapted accordingly.

Before copying individual modules, please check whether they work on the target page. Are they modules for distribution pages or for one-pagers or standard websites?

From time to time, headings and titles of modules and elements on the pages are duplicated if they are mandatory fields and must be completed. You should therefore use as many different terms as possible to avoid word duplication. If this is not possible, you can click on "Yes" in the detailed view of some modules (accordion, free content, teaser tiles, etc.) via the "Title for screen readers only" field. This will hide the title on the live page, but it will remain visible for screen readers. This ensures that you comply with the accessibility requirements for visually impaired people on your site.

Pay attention to the error message that the system may display. These are often images stored or linked in the module that have not been uploaded in the correct size. For reasons of responsiveness and high-resolution screens, the image sizes are specified exactly so that minimum quality standards are guaranteed. Photos can be edited using a graphics program on the computer (Paint, Microsoft Pictures) or online (Canva, Flyer-Alarm). You can find the correct image dimensions for our websites here (also as PDF).


In the CMS, the „Links to this file“ area must be empty for an object to be deleted. This link control in the CMS means that linked objects cannot be deleted. If you want to remove the links, proceed as follows: The corresponding passive links of the page/object are visible in the detailed view > References > „Links to the file“. Go to linked pages, remove the link there and release the linking object. Finally, if the link list is empty, the "own" object can be deleted. You may have to ask the area or the CMS admins to delete the link, as you do not have editing rights in the page area to be deleted.

The table function is being restricted piece by piece as it is not barrier-free. The content is not displayed correctly on mobile devices. With the new design, there are a number of ways to present content that was previously in tables in a different way. If you absolutely cannot do without a table, a PDF document for download or a PNG graphic is the better choice. More on the topic of accessibility

No, this option no longer exists.

During the web relaunch, we dealt intensively with the important website-related topics such as data protection, accessibility and search engine optimization. The use of iframes proved to be problematic in every respect. For this reason, we have prevented the use of iframes to external services in the central CMS.

One reason: Data protection aspects including (data) security. By embedding the source code of an external page, all the functionalities of this page are called up on your own website. This involves the collection of personal data by the external site (e.g. through cookies) or the execution of scripts from a source that is not subject to our control.

More about data protection.

After a browser update, there are apparently more frequent errors when you want to set a link in the editor. This then looks like this in the frontend:

 Fehler in der VerlinkungThere are two ways to fix the problem. You can either go through the html code and set the link manually (between the html tags <a href="URL"> word that is linked </a>. Or you can use the Firefox browser, where the error does not occur.

If the DeepL translation displays an error message as shown in the screenshot, the linked infobox is in the wrong folder. Go to the language tree in which the infobox was originally created and check which folder template was used to create the infobox. An error occurs if "Hidden folder" was selected there. The correct template is: "Folder for info boxes".

You may now need to delete the incorrect infobox in the other language tree and trigger the translation again.

If a link is set directly to a module in the editorial system, it looks as if it will work in the preview. However, nothing is displayed in the live system after clicking on the link.

This is because a virtual page is created for the module preview in the CMS, but this does not exist live. All modules in the module folder are invisible on the Internet, so to speak, and are only displayed if they have been linked in the module list of the distribution or detail page.

To set a link to a module, you must first link to the output page as the link target. You can then select the anchor.

Example: link the relevant publication module of the corresponding person on the team page. Select the output page "Publications", then link the module as an anchor.


FAQ on the relaunch process and strategy

This depends on where your new pages are located and is very individual. The relaunch process for and its many subdomains is so big that it can only be done step by step. We have thousands of pages that need to be viewed, revised, restructured and created. The decentralized editorial system also means that hundreds of employees have to be trained in the new design.

Another decisive factor is whether or not your area will be located below pages in the new design. You are dependent on the front end, so to speak. For example, a chair of law can only go online in the new layout if all the other pages of the subdomain go live with it.

In short: Please direct your questions about your own web relaunch to

For personnel reasons, the basic training for CMS newcomers is currently only taking place via self-study on these CMS training websites.

Training courses on modular design are expected to be available again from the second half of 2024. Then as required and at irregular intervals online and in person.

In general, however, the training effort should be kept low and people should be encouraged to learn the modular design on their own using the documents and video tutorials.

If you are familiar with the new modular design and have access to the CMS, please contact for editing rights. Please send the specific path to the page you wish to edit. Thank you!

It has been agreed with University President Prof. Dr. Eduard Mühle that either both terms will be used or a neutral formulation will be used. The gender asterisk is used where short terms are necessary (headings, short titles for links).

The slash and the capital I should be avoided. These are not barrier-free and are not read out correctly by screen readers, for example.

More on the topic of accessibility

Team Webrelaunch

Wenden Sie sich an das Team Webrelaunch, wenn Sie Fragen zum Relaunch oder zum Bau und zur Pflege der neuen Webseiten haben - gerne mit Link und Screenshot. Danke!


Bitte wenden Sie sich bei technischen Fragen (Zugriffsrechte, CMS-Fehlermeldungen etc.) an die CMS-Admins beim IKMZ. Bei der Beschreibung des Problems bitte darauf achten, einen Link/ einen Dateipfad und eventuell einen Screenshot der Fehlermeldung mitzuschicken. Danke!