Module: Topics (HP/V)


Module: Topics (HP/V) Module information



With the help of the module: Topics can be used to draw attention to important events, campaigns, topics, etc. The module consists of several topic elements. Each topic is described with text and image, placed next to each other. The entire area (text and image column) is linked to a further website.

The module: Topics can be used for the start and distribution pages (HP/V).

Permitted elements

  • Element: Topic

Setting options

The module has no special setting options.

The settings of the Element: Topic include the mandatory fields Heading, Text 1, Link to target page and Link text.

The thematically matching image, which appears to the right of the text column, can be uploaded directly to the element folder or linked from another location via the Image field (optional).




CMS support

Office hours

Every day from 13:00 to 15:00


Below you will find an example of how to use the module: Topics:

How do I use the Module: Topics?

Heading Topic 1

Here is your text on topic 1, with a matching picture to the right.

More on the topic
Viadrina students_UV_3002 ©EUV

Heading Topic 2

Here is your text on topic 2, with a matching picture to the right.

More on the topic
20191116_Graduation-Day_UV_4155 ©EUV